On this page you will find links to frequently asked questions on various topics. If your question is not listed please contact your Rijopleidingen Barge.
I've never had lessons, how many lessons will I need?
CBR and BOVAG assume that someone from 17 a 18 years of age needs about 40 lessons and ever year someone is older than you need two more less.But we will in any case every effort to guide you to your license as soon as possible!
What a lesson / intakeles?
A lesson / intakeles is a free riding lesson which has a duration of 100 minutes. If you have no riding experience this lesson is used as an introduction where you begin the first steps of the lessons. If you've been driving experience, this lesson will serve to outline the initial situation for a recommendation of a suitable package.
I have a permanent instructor and same car?
Yes you have a solid driving instructor and the same car. (with exceptions)
Am I wel insured during my driving lessons?
Yes you are. We have completed a special driving insurance policy with National Nederlands Insurance maybe biggest insurance company of Nederland.This policy has been approved by CBR. As a result you are fully insured against all risks of driving lessons.
May I follow lessons for my 18th birthday?
Yes, you can start from your 16,5e year since 1 November 2011 with driving lessons.
When can I start lessons?
We currently have no waiting list for Engels driving lessons. So you can basically immediately begin lessons.
Are the lessons to evening and be as expensive on the weekends?
Yes, there is no difference in price. However sensible it is to minimize 's classes at night, because it's just less pressure on the road.
What is a self-declaration (EV)?
Anyone who does examination at the CBR must have a certificate of adequacy. Before you fill in an EV. This is a form with questions about the physical and mental condition. The price of a self-declaration is € 33.80 and this is included in the examination. If you answered one or more questions on the EV yes, a doctor should put a note on it. Certain medical conditions, the CBR can next to the entry of a doctor also request an examination by a medical specialist, such as an ophthalmologist or neurologist. If you answered all questions with no Needs you to undergo additional testing.
I want to chance driving school can i do that?
Thats's possible a large part of our students first followed driving lessons at another driving school.
In Wich Car im driving
Driving lessons will be in different brands cars from small to big, they all approved, environmentally friendly and safe.